
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a physics lesson:Absolute Nothingness And ...
Lesson 21

a physics lesson:Absolute Nothingness And The Edge Of The Universe.
... continued

Why do we study this?

Have we not all, at one time or another, felt that we were part of something bigger? It may only be and occasional, fleeting, feeling. Or, it may be a more intense believe. We feel driven to accomplish, but without understanding our sense of purpose. It may seem like you have a goal, but you don't know what it is.

Over the timeframe of evolution, we humans have survived countless numbers of species, including human like species, which were apparently intelligent, such as Neanderthal man, which scientists now tell us was alive at the same time that we were -- we, Homo sapiens.

Why have men and women such as us survived?

An equally important question is, why have other species failed? And, why, in their failure, did some become extinct, such as the dinosaurs, and yet others survived to this day, such as crocodiles, turtles, alligators, and countless other land and sea species? We are constantly hearing of scientists who find a species, long thought to be extinct, still living in some remote part of the world.

A pattern emerges when you look at the history. A pattern that started with a hot dense plasma, evolved into the elements, into pre-life matter, into various types of one celled creatures, and then into more complex creatures, ultimately culminating in mankind.

Along the way, species such as the dinosaur, small brained and large bodied carnivores and herbivores that could have become competitive, and possibly even wiped out mankind, became extinct.

It's almost as though life on earth were an experiment. Not the biggest, not the fastest, not the strongest, but the most intelligent survived. Those things that were a threat to our continued existence became extinct. Those things that caused us to flourish survived.

Note. To flourish to grow. Some animals, vegetables and minerals are harmful to our life. However, they all fit somewhere in the food chain. Also, without some adversity, some risk, stagnation ensues.

Is this intentional, or a grand accident?

Everywhere you look around you, you see the hand of intent. You see complexity growing despite the law of entropy. It becomes clear that we have a purpose. The question is, are we currently fulfilling that purpose or still evolving to fulfill a purpose in the future.

Is, in fact, our first task, our first test, to understand that purpose? Of all known living things, man alone on earth is capable of that mission.

Some will say that we mere humans cannot possibly understand. Some will say that it is a mystery and shall remain so, that we are incapable of understanding. Some will search for the answer, and piece the data together bit by bit until they do understand! We have a mission, as yet unrevealed, but we also have a duty to discover the nature of that mission. Humanity was made with an inquiring mind -- for a reason.

We must all crawl before we walk, and walk before we run. While revealing some insights, the objective of these early lessons is to build a base of knowledge in various disciplines, including science and philosophy, so that we all have an equal footing, and equal foundation


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