
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The power of THETA Continued Lesson 2

Multiplying Theta through numbers.

If enough people intend for exactly the same thing, possibly in the same language, with exactly the same ideas, and at the same time, purposely pooling their energy, even people with weak Theta batteries, when massed together, may still achieve a result.

Prayer is one such example. One person's prayer may or may not be answered because of the power of Theta within that one person. A congregation of 500 praying for the same thing is at least 500 times more powerful than one person. The power of all churchgoers worldwide praying at the same time is enormous.

Note: In the example above, it is assumed that all churchgoers have the same level of power in their Theta battery. This is not necessarily true, and can skew our results. However, the concept is clear.

We purposely use prayer is an example. Most people who pray, pray to God, Allah, or a saint. It is true, God, Allah, the Saints, the universal life force, the mind, what ever you want to call it, does answer prayers! The tradition of praying is as old as sentient (thinking) humanity itself. It is no coincidence, no accident of humanity, that prayer has been with us for thousands of years, perhaps as long as man has been intelligent.

Resolution of Theta conflict.

If I consciously intend for a bright sunny day so that my family and I can go to the beach, and my next-door neighbor consciously intends for rain so his plans will be watered, assuming we both had the same charge in our Theta batteries, those two prayers will cancel each other out. That does not mean nothing will happen! That means human influence will not play a part in what happens next. Nature will decide in the absence of channeled Theta.

Intentioned example: war and peace.

We all claim to intend for peace, a cessation of worldwide hostilities, a common brotherhood of humanity. In reality, we most often intend for victory. We want peace, but we want it on our terms. Intending peace and intending victory are not the same thing. It is interesting in human history to watch the unfolding of events and intentions.

Northern Ireland was, for nearly a century, a Place of strife, conflict, and war. Each side wanted victory. Children were brought up on conflict and his hostility. It was the only way of life some of them knew. Generations have been brought up fighting each other. There were three camps -- the militant Protestants, the militant Catholics, and Protestants and Catholics who just wished that the hostilities would end.

The hostilities in Northern Ireland ended rather abruptly. There was conflict one-day, and peace happened the next. You can make claims that other countries intervened, the people got tired of war, that somehow, families which each other for generations suddenly quit fighting. Is that what happened? Or, did those praying for victory start praying for peace? Did the third camp, the Irish Protestants and Catholics who only cared for peace, grow in numbers sufficient that they are Theta for peace was prevalent? Even a small nucleus of people can prolong any event, such as the conflict in Northern Ireland. It takes a concerted effort of will, an outpouring of fervor, to have the mainstream over power militant extremists, even when they are the minority. We have seen that time and time again worldwide. North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, all have been subject to the hostile and combative minority that wished control.

The message from history is clear. Intend peace , not victory. You may be quite happy with the peaceful resolution. Often, peace breaks out in unintended fashions. And Theta for peace, as we have seen, is not necessarily an intention for victory. What makes us happy, satisfied, and fulfilled may be other than what we expect!

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