
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The power of Theta Lesson 1


Theta is a power that lies within each of us. We use the power of Theta, also known as the power of Intention daily, without even understanding it, or its ramifications. Theta is perhaps the most powerful tool that a human being has. Yet, to most of us, it lies dormant, or leads to unintended consequences which we do not understand and rarely observe or study. in most cases, conflicting intentions cancel each other out.

What is Theta?

Theta is the power within all of us to mold reality to our wishes. Theta is the conscious effort to change the sea of reality in which we are all immersed. Theta could be viewed as a wish, a dream, a want, or perhaps a need.

The problem is, most individuals do not understand the law of Theta. They do not understand how to direct Theta, or what universal forces affect Theta.

Theta is the ability to want something to happen, and through sheer force of will, make it happen. Generally speaking, in broad terms, every thinking human possesses this power. Some understand it and employee it better than others, and have done so for centuries, perhaps millennia. Many people have internalized the power of Theta. These people understand how to use Theta, even if they do not understand the mechanism by which it works.

Theta may seem like many to be magic. However, we must remember what Arthur C. Clarke once said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Theta is the science, or the magic, of redirecting the energies of the universe to accomplish that which we want.

Note, that Theta has limitations. No one professes to know all the laws of the universe. But one thing we do know is that Theta will not violate a universal law. Theta is capable of doing anything that can be done within the scope of the universal laws, although it may occasionally look like magic. If we define magic as cause-and-effect relationships outside our frame of reference, but within the frame of possibility, then it exists. If we take the definition of magic as performing the impossible, then there is no such thing. That is only illusion. Pulling rabbits from hats is illusion while two people creating a third persons is magic.

Theta has a cost.

Theta is not free. Like all expenditure or manipulation of matter and energy, the use of Theta effectively requires the banking, or storage, of energy, and the release of that energy at a particular time and place. The reason that we rarely see Theta used powerfully and noticeably is because most Thetas are very weak.

Picture Theta as a battery in a car. A strong battery has a lot of pent-up electricity, also known as potential energy, that it releases at the turn of the key. It turns the starter of the engines rapidly and efficiently, and starts the car engine in less than 2 seconds, usually. With the engine off, a battery with lots of potential energy makes the cars light shine brightly, and the radio play loudly. However, get into a car with a weak battery and the car lights are dim, the radio volume is very low, and the car crank several times before starting -- if these things work at all.

We all have a Theta battery. Most go through life with a weak or dead battery! Like the car battery, the Theta battery must be recharged after use. Most of us know neither how to use it, nor how to recharge it.

A car battery is capable of starting a car for four or five times before it becomes completely discharged. We avoid a dead battery by building an alternator into the car. The car's engine is so powerful that driving the alternator to charge the battery and the car's electrical system takes no noticeable power away from the wheels. But a miniscule drain is still there.

Theta behaves like the electricity in a battery. There is potential Theta -- that is, personal energy that has been stored up to be expended on Theta, and kinetic Theta -- Theta that is being used, that is powering some event. For Theta to be useful, we must bank, or store potential Theta energy, and once bank, we must then unleash that potential Theta as kinetic Theta. We use the pent up Theta energy to achieve a week desire. Theta has a cost. The cost is what we as people must do to create that store, that bank of potential intent, the intent battery.

Storing potential Theta.

As we said, most people go through life without understanding the concept of Theta. They blithlley travel through life with a dead, or nearly dead, Theta battery. Their Thetas get lost in the sea of all other Thetas. When one of their Thetas makes it to the surface, some call it a miracle, some call it coincidence.


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